QiGong Flow Practice

QiGong Flow Practice

Take some time for yourself, disconnect, decompress, breathe, stretch, move your body with a Qigong Flow practice, and relax immersed by sounds and vibrations.

Sophie Zambrano
Qigong is a practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Buddhism and Taoism. It  is practiced standing up and does not require any specific skills or flexibility.
It is for all ages, all levels and it’s fun! It is often practiced outdoors in connection with nature. 

Hi, I am Sophie, your Qigong Flow instructor

The Qigong flow I am teaching is a combination of martial art Qigong, medical Qigong and spiritual Qigong.

I am now offering weekly classes at Yoga 1 studio, in Hollywood Florida :  every Thursdays at 11;00am, Sundays at 11:15am AND Mondays at 7:00pm. We are also gathering every full moon, right on the beach, in Hollywood, FL. (see under Events ) for a Qigong flow practice.

For public event, see under Events

For private groups see Group sessions Sound Journey

My personal experience since I have been practicing and teaching on a regular basis: it just feel GREAT! Feeling more centered with more vitality yet peaceful. It made wonders for my joints and ligaments, and helped me with a frozen shoulder. After each practice I feel so much more aligned ….it’s hard to explain, you have to experience it: it just feels right! 

……Plus, it slows down aging (yep, we work with our life force energy) and that’s another big plus for me!

Read more on the Qigong Flow modality

Read more on breathwork

What to expect:

We often start sitting with some breathwork to calm the mind and allow us  to feel more centered, and focused.

The Qigong flow practice itself  is like a meditation in movement nourishing our Qi and allowing it to circulate freely through our meridians.  It’s a nice combination of periods of stillness, gentle stretches, flowing movements and body tapping, all synchronized with conscious breath. We always end the class with a relaxation using sound healing instruments.

Each class is unique: the flows vary from class to class as we focus on different organs, seasons, and emotions.

There is a very long list of benefits from practicing Qigong. Read more on its benefits  The best is to PRACTICE IT, EXPERIENCE IT and FEEL IT!

What to bring:

Wear comfortable clothes. Bring your own mat or blanket or towel to lay down on the floor, to sit at the beginning and lie down for the final relaxation.

See our Events page for our next Qigong flow classes

See our group sessions info if you would like to schedule a session for a group

Testimonial: Exploring Qigong with Sophie Zambrano. Group connected with nature at North Hollywood Beach against a full moon background. After a series of gentle movements combined with breathing exercises, we connected the mind to the present moment and experienced stillness, peace and quiet, a welcome escape from the anxieties and worry in the C-19 environment. Personal immediate results were relaxation, elevated mood and deep sleep. If you haven’t heard of Qigong before, please google it and learn of the many health benefits that lead to a happier and more fulfilled life. Time well spent.